September 4th, 2017
Welcome to another school year at Meadowlane P.S.! Welcome back to returning students and welcome to those who are new to the Meadowlane Community. While the first day of school is exciting, it can also be worrisome for parents (especially those who cannot accompany their child to school). We promise to look after your child!!!
Class lists have been posted on the doors at the back of the school. You are welcome to drop by at any point over the weekend to take a sneak peak. As our school is continuing to grow, there is always the possibility of classes needing to be reorganized during the first few weeks of school. We recognize that this can cause some anxiety and will try to minimize moves. Please be patient as we work through this process. Please trust that we want the best for your child and that there are many reasons for placing a child in a particular class. We look forward to a good year!
On Tuesday morning, the following will happen:
- Students will be directed to the back of the school where all staff will be waiting.
- Teachers will be in the back yard with signs indicating their name and grade.
- Students will find their classroom teacher and stand close by.
- When the bell rings, teachers will take their students into the school through their designated entrance.
- Staff members without classes will remain on duty and will collect any students who did not go in with a class. They will help these students get into a class.
If it rains, all students will go into the gym and classes will be called out there (please no parents).
At the end of the day, we would ask that, if you are meeting your child, you have a specified meeting place. The best place for pick up and drop offs will be on Glen Park Crescent. We do not want students walking through the parking lot. Otherwise, they will be dismissed to walk home or take the bus.
Kindergarten students should have their staggered entry schedules. Junior Kindergarten meetings with parents will be on Tuesday, September 5th. All SENIOR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS WILL BEGIN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH. Half of the JK students will come on Wednesday and the other half will come on Thursday. All JK and SK students will be in attendance from Friday, September 8th on.