November 9th, 2017
Order forms for our Rheo Thompson chocolate fundraiser were sent home with students on Monday. Below is the important information, as well as the link to the forms.
Chocolate Fundraiser!
What: School Council is selling chocolates to raise money for the school!
Why: Our goal is to fundraise $10,000 this year to purchase and install playground equipment on the upper level of the school grounds. If we meet our fundraising goal, we aim to have this equipment in by Fall 2018! Note: Council and the school have already committed to contribute over $12,000 towards this playground initiative.
How: Every student can help! Simply take this form around to family, friends, neighbours, etc. and ask them to support your school by purchasing delicious high quality Rheo Thompson chocolates!
When: Order Forms due back to the school by Monday, November 20, 2017. Estimated delivery home is December 14, 2017.
Did you know: School Council recently helped the school purchase enough Chrome Books for each of the grade 5 & 6 students! (30 total)