
Are you curious about Ontario’s Renewed Math Strategy?

Are you unsure how your child is learning math and how to help him/her at home?

Do you want more information about the Comprehensive Math Approach used by the WRDSB?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please join us on Wednesday, December 6th at 7:00 in the Meadowlane library.  Our guest presenter will be Kristin Phillips.  Kristin is a System Administrator with the WRDSB and is an expert in Math education.  She will provide an engaging and hands on workshop for parents that will demonstrate what math education looks like in the WRDSB in 2017.  You will have an opportunity to ask questions and deepen your understanding of how we teach math at Meadowlane.

Everyone is welcome so please feel free to invite your neighbours or friends from other schools.  Babysitting and interpreters will be provided for those who need it.  Because the workshop will be interactive, we would ask that you please RSVP.  You can access the google doc using the link below.

Thanks!  Hope to see you there!

R. Jutzi and School Council
