Students should not arrive earlier than 9:00 am, as that is when outdoor supervision begins.


Parents (caregivers) of Kindergarten students who do not take the bus are required to wait with their child at school until the bell rings at 9:10am and then arrive to have their child handed off by staff at 3:30pm for dismissal. Bussed kindergarten children will be met by a staff member who will guide them to their entrance. 

Grade 1 to grade 6 

Bussed students are directed by student bus patrols to the back/side of the school. Students arriving at school either by walking or by bus must walk along the sidewalk in front of the school and follow the walkways adjacent to the building. NO ONE SHOULD BE WALKING THROUGH THE PARKING LOTS. 

When waiting for the bell it can be a busy time. We ask that students not play games with balls or play on the creatives.  After school, when they leave we ask any student who is not accompanied by a parent/guardian to leave school property right away and head home.  



To find out if your child qualifies for bus transportation, please see the school board website:

At times there can be bussing delays or cancellations.  To stay informed about these occurrences, parents are encouraged to sign up for alerts through the student transportation website.

Students must adhere to strict safety guidelines while traveling on the school bus. Riding on the school bus is a privilege. Any student failing to comply with the bus rules is endangering the lives of other passengers and motorists, including the driver, and may lose the privilege to ride the school bus. All students and parents will sign a bus behaviour contract at the beginning of the school year. Aggressive behaviour and bullying are not tolerated on the bus or at the bus stops.